DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder) and Alter Ego (Alternative) Mind Design

I’ve explained in previous writings that the DSM-V is a book every spiritualist/spiritist should study. In the definition of DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) within the pages of the DSM-5 which is the authority on psychological conditions, under section A. it clearly states that there is an absolute parallel between DID and ritual/spiritual possession. This is the medical communities attempt at explaining what religious writings and spiritual manuscripts have already explained. I choose to start this article by pointing out the fact that SPIRITUAL POSSESSION has a scientific value and is explained by mind scientists as being a DISSOCIATIVE IDENTITY DISORDER. DID is the new terminology for an even more descriptive diagnosis. That diagnosis is MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder).

It is a known fact in religious circles that a person can become dispossessed of their physical being. It isn’t explained psychologically but rather spiritually. A person can harbor thousands of DEMONS/INTELLECTS which the word “legion” accurately describes. Another term used to describe the condition known as DID is SPLIT PERSONALITIES. These conditions are very real. Knowing that any science that is related to the psyche is also spiritually/astrally imperative is quite important. This is a different application than what is explained in regards to ancestral influences, or even “guardian angel”, or ascended master interconnection. What we are discussing in this article is the presence of ALTERS or ALTERNATE PERSONAS in the psyche of a single human being. One of the first esoteric words I heard as a member of AMORC listening to the introductory material provided was EGREGORE. It was then that I knew I’d made the right decision in joining that particular organization. What we are discussing in this article is the PSYCHOLOGY/SCIENCE of SPIRITUALITY. In doing so we will start with OVERSOULS and ARCHETYPES. It is my hope that the reader learns from as well as enjoys the material presented in this article.

Some people would agree that there are RACIAL and/or CULTURAL stereotypes hardwired into the physical being of modern humanity. The human body is a programmed vessel, owing much of its development to a malleable code known as DNA. Looking into the phylogenetics of any animal you can see that DNA is a hardcoded pattern, however, it is also impressionable, or should I say it can be impressed upon. Think about how many kinds of bees there are.. they are distinct in their order, however, there are similar species that aren’t classified as bees. Wasps are not bees. They are similar organisms, however, also they are very different creatures. This is the science that also classifies human beings categorically by what scientists call “race”. Homo Sapiens aren’t Neanderthals.. also they could cross-breed.. Neanderthals had a specific genetic pattern that made all Neanderthals uniform within a specific spectrum. The same holds for the Homo Sapien. They exist within a spectrum, including melenation or color, hair type, body type, etc. As humanity developed over time, environmental changes to DNA patterns in modern man obviously became hardwired in the human organism. A study in GENETIC ISOLATION should give the reader a better understanding of the way the environment over time can change genes.

It is important that we first address the physical container/vessel before discussing the aether that keeps it animated. We can see that in the above image that there is no real representation of what would be called the WIGHT/WHITE race. Mostly because as educated people know, EURASIANS are the people known now to be CAUCASIANS/EUROPOIDS or WHITE people. There were other humanoids on this planet before there were great genocides that wiped out the neanderthal and various other races of humankind, including DENISOVIANS. I did find a more recent photograph that shows what the photographers called “EUROPOID TYPE”.. which is pretty interesting. However, I’ve gone on too long about genetic “racial types”. When we realize that there is so much morphology in regards to genotypes and phenotypes, it becomes easier to understand that the human genome is absolutely spectral. We can see that specificity isn’t so much tribal as it is “racial”. Tribal differences are customary. Pay attention.

We must explore the fact that the human body is a vessel or container for the persona that belongs to the ideology of identity. Culture is shaped by collective experience. Human physiology is more structured by environmental factors and much less affected by the psyche. We know by studying modern societies that GENOME doesn’t at all dictate behavior. Like the GENOME itself, behavior pattern is malleable based upon experience. Experience is also what shapes and creates the persona or psyche. Experience allows for the psyche to become fractured. Experience is what brings forth the beings from other dimensions. Experience is what changes both frequency and vibration. Channeling and mediumship is related to possession and dissociative identity symptoms. A medium is able to share its faculties with outside spirits, however the psychic medium is also able to shut off communication. The person with DID cannot control what triggers them and in many instances cannot decide when to cut off communication. The alters/personas live with the the person with such a diagnosis. They are always there.

Now, what does it mean when a person has behavior patterns that belong to a personality that isn’t the main persona/identity. One perfect example is the story of JEKYLL and HYDE. This is an old story that explains personality shifts perfectly. Another would be that of the lycanthrope. A person that is affected by the lunacy brought about by a full moon that then caused the affected individual to become a werewolf. Basically a human/animal hybrid. We aren’t saying that a man can physically transform into a wolf.. we’re saying the full moon is a trigger that caused for a civilized being to psychologically become another creature. A beast. Some people become very identifiably specific monsters. For some the trigger is a substance.. drinks, drugs, sugars, etc. In other examples the trigger is a color, an environment, a sound, etc. The stories of old that speak of a great many mythological creatures are psychologically very real. Some are literally as they are described in their truest form. All you have to do is watch crime documentaries to soon know that MONSTERS are very real. However, this article is about multiple personas.. the presence of multiple identities in one psyche/mind. The video below should help the reader to see exactly what we mean when we describe MPD. Lots of artists, musicians, writers, gangmembers, etc. exhibit the very real symptoms that can fully explain what we are describing in this writing.

When fully considered, I’m sure that DID is a special experience. Some people change so extremely that even their friends and family don’t recognize them. Some people don’t understand how or why that happens. It’s like the person they were taking a back seat to a new identity.. some call that experience an identity crisis. Trying to figure out who we want to be as opposed to who we actually are. What we are discussing isn’t the person who behaves differently to blend in with a specific crowd or to feel safe in a foreign environment, we are discussing actual shifts in consciousness that lead to very identifiable changes in the operation of the body/being REGARDLESS TO CIRCUMSTANCE. I don’t agree with the term dissociative identity disorder.. mostly because I know the definition of the word disassociate. MPD fits much better. To disassociate is to create distance. Leaving a gang is dissociative. Leaving the religion you were raised in is dissociative. Multiple Personalities are exactly that. SEPERATE PERSONAS.. all individual, sharing one mind and one body. Another difference when dealing with Multiple Personalities is creation. Some identities are absolutely created by the main persona.. As an alter ego.. or character, something like what happens when people roleplay or cosplay. Multiple personalities aren’t created, dictated, or controlled by the main persona. We see clear examples of what I’m describing when dealing with celebrities. Every celebrity has a common denominator or a common trait in that they all have alter egos and in the case of actors and actresses they take on different roles having to fully put their true self/persona to sleep allowing the fictional character/role to become real, and as such just as alive as the true persona.

I’d not seen any of these videos before writing this article, however, they explain things exactly as I know them to be. It might seem as if I’ve studied these topics thoroughly, but I have not. I simply write things as I know them to be. Do I have MPD? Possibly. I’d not reveal such a medical condition online, or would I? Maybe there’s another me that knows all about this stuff. Maybe there’s another me that’s a very well-respected scientist. Psychology is fascinating in every way. At the end of the day it’s all electricity. Electrical signals that make up organized thoughts. Electrical signals that translate experiences. Consider this.. It’s electricity with different voltages, all of which is atomic.

We’ve now seen a great many examples of what psychologists call DISSOCIATIVE IDENTITY DISORDER. Some believe it’s a complex illness that’s not much more than an overactive imagination and a serious desire for attention. To draw attention away from the main personality creates a “safe space” that allows the real identity not to be judged based on it’s personal interests and experiences. If the general public never meets the true individual persona, it becomes invincible. The main ego cannot be harmed because no one other than the the closest of family and friends will ever see or have ever seen the psyche in it’s true form. This is why many magicians and occultists believe in the concept of the TRUE NAME. It is believed that the master sorceror cannot be harmed by anyone that does not possess the knowledge of their true name or true self. MPD is very real. SPIRITUAL POSSESSION is also very real. It’s just as real as the electrical signals the human brain and body translate into experience and thus reality. Tulpas also are very real.

* Bonus PDF attatchment below.. I’ve included a pdf. file on the subject of SPIRIT POSSESSION and the MAASAI. All .pdf files shared on this website are free to download and are provided based on FAIR USE GUIDELINES for educational purposes, ENJOY!

-R.A. Sovereign